When You Visit

Welcome to Buck Lodge -- You Always Have A Place

Thank you for visiting our website. The church that meets at Buck Lodge has a long history of faithfulness to God and His Word, The Bible. Whether you are new to the community and looking for a church home or are just passing through, we extend an open invitation to you to come and visit us as we share in these special times of worship & study. You are loved and always have a place here among our family.


Each Sunday and Wednesday, we assemble together to offer our praise and worship to God. Each worship service & Bible class is centered on The Bible, God's holy Word. We believe The Bible to be all about Jesus - from Genesis to Revelation. Within our times of worship together, you will find praise lifted up, Scriptures studied and read aloud, a time of communion on Sundays as we celebrate the Resurrected Christ, and holy prayer shared as we talk to God in Jesus' name. Through it all, we seek to encounter God's presence, glorify God, and encourage each other. Nothing special is required of anyone except a desire to come be a part of these special moments and join in our heartfelt worship to God.


You'll likely find a wide array of apparel being worn at each service from dresses & dress shirts & ties, to jeans & skirts & polo shirts. We humbly ask for consideration that what is worn is modest and respective of God and others. We believe modesty in how we best adorn our bodies showing our respect for God & each other (1 Peter 3:3-4; 1 Timothy 2:9-10).


At Buck Lodge, our singing worship and praise to God is without musical instruments, or what's commonly referred to as 'a cappella'. We believe that the most powerful way we can bring a sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15) with our songs to the Lord is as purely as possible using only our hearts & voices in harmony with one another. We aim for our songs to be both uplifting and meaningful and everyone is encouraged to join in. (Colossians 3:16-17; Ephesians 5:19-20)


Each Sunday, we pause to remember what Jesus did for us when he died upon the cross for our sins. We do this in honor of the very first time it was shared between He and his disciples as told about in the Gospels (Matthew 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:14-23) and carried on in the early Church by the instruction of the Apostles (1 Corinthians 11:23-25) who were guided by the Holy Spirit of God following Christ's Resurrection & ascension. Communion is meant to be a shared experience and done each First Day of the week (Sunday). Every time it is practiced, we each take of the bread - representing the body of Jesus - and the cup - representing His shed blood.


Although the Kingdom of God transcends any earthly institution, it is also operating within the confines of the world God created. As such, money and resources are always needed to be able to effectively "go into all the world" (Matthew 28:18-20) with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe very much that our material blessings belong to God and it is our honor to give back to Him what He has blessed us with so that the work of the church can survive and thrive both locally and globally. And so, each week following the Lord's Supper, we offer an opportunity to give back to God and the work of The Lord's church. As Christians, we are expected to give, but to do so freely of our own will. When you visit with us, you will never be required to contribute. If you choose to do so, we thank you and promise it will be used in love to God, His Kingdom, and to serve those we know of that have need. (Proverbs 3:9; 2 Corinthians 9:7)


Just as the church has done since its early days in the First Century, we too take time out during each service to have a sermon or lesson from God's Word. Each one is meant to remind us what God desires & has purposed for our lives - to be like Jesus. The messages are delivered by our preacher with the intent to show the ongoing relevancy of God's Word that will help us live out our faith practically each day. We always aim to preach & teach only The Bible because we believe it is fully sufficient for all people no matter the time or place they may live. Young or old, new to faith in Jesus or a longtime Christian, each message will have something for you. (2 Timothy 4:1-2)


On Wednesday afternoons we offer a Bible class for any who would like to attend. Each class is designed to get each individual deeper into the Word. You'll often find that our Bible classes includes both lecture style teaching as well as discussion so that each session provides a well-rounded learning experience. Each class can have both deep, meaningful moments as well as lighthearted, funny moments. Class is very much a time in which each person gets from it what they are willing to put into it.


We extend to you a heartfelt invitation any time you are in the area or would like to come and visit us. Feel free to reach out to us with questions before you visit or if you have a need we might serve. May the Lord bless you and keep you.